
Below you will find three sections of javascript code that will allow you to embed certain CyberOffice interfaces directly within your own web pages. In order for this content to work your website must allow you to enter raw HTML code. This can sometimes be difficult to accomplish with designers like Wordpress's designer- but you should be able to find some help online by searching for "raw HTML X designer" (where X designer is the website builder you are using)

The second prerequisite is setting up CyberLink. You must be subscribed to (and using) the CyberLink utility contact the Rossware office for more info. On the left side of the CyberLink utility you'll find several text boxes that allow you to enter information about your personal website. Here you should enter the URLs for the pages that you paste the corresponding script into.

Once you have set up the prerequisites, all that you have left to do is create the webpage. You will want to have three separate pages (one for each of the scripts below). Before copying the script, enter your business ID into the business ID field on this website, found below (no need to press enter, it updates as you type). You should not make a public link to the confirmation page as it displays nothing by default (public in this case means linking to that page from your website directly) It is not a bad idea to make the other two pages public.

As an example, if I made a new webpage called for my technician tracking page, I would type my business ID into the textbox below, then copy and paste the code found under Technician Tracking directly into that webpage, then in CyberLink I would enter the url exactly in the field box as labeled for the purpose, as shown here:

Please Enter Your Business ID Here

This ID Will Be Input Into The Scripts Below

Align Frames Of Below Scripts

Choose center if you want the embedded frame to center in its parent element

Left Center

Requests to Schedule on Existing Job Orders, Requests to Reschedule on Existing Jobs and Requests for Appointment Confirmation

Script for the your Container Page on Scenarios 2  through 4 (This script may also apply to allow the same container page to be used for initial job-requests (Scenario 1) as based on hyperlinks that are external to your website, and based on a links that simply reference that page)
Include Line To Enable External Calls To Scenario-1
<script type="text/javascript">
var userID = 0000;//REPLACE 0000 WITH YOUR BUSINESS ID
if(window.location.href.match('givenurl=')) {
	var givenurl = window.location.href.split('givenurl=')[1];
	if(givenurl.match(/\&/)) {
		givenurl = givenurl.split(/\&/)[0];
	if (givenurl.length>0){
		givenurl = '' + unescape(givenurl) + '&noframe=1';
		document.write('<iframe style="width:600px;height:450px;border:none;" src="' + givenurl + '"></iframe>');
	document.write('<iframe style="width:600px;height:450px;border:none;" src="'+userID+'"></iframe>');
<noscript>This Page Requires Javascript</noscript>

Technician Tracking

Script for your Container Page on Scenario 5
<script type="text/javascript">
var userID = 0000;//REPLACE 0000 WITH YOUR BUSINESS ID
if(window.location.href.match('1=2')) {
	var givenurl = window.location.href.split('?')[1];
	givenurl = '' + unescape(givenurl);
	document.write('<iframe src="' + givenurl + '" style="width:600px;height:450px;border:none;"></iframe>');
else {
	var givenurl = ''+userID;
	document.write('<iframe src="' + givenurl + '" style="width:600px;height:450px;border:none;"></iframe>');
<noscript>This Page Requires Javascript</noscript>

Job Status Checking

Script for your Container Page on Scenario 6
<script type="text/javascript">
var userID = 0000;//Replace 0000 with YOUR BUSINESS ID
if(window.location.href.match('1=2')) {
	var givenurl = window.location.href.split('?')[1];
	givenurl = '' + unescape(givenurl);
	document.write('<iframe src="' + givenurl + '" style="width:600px;height:450px;border:none;"></iframe>');
}else {
	var givenurl = ''+userID;
	document.write('<iframe src="' + givenurl + '" style="width:600px;height:450px;border:none;"></iframe>');
<noscript>This Page Requires Javascript</noscript>