Web Services
Decide Today, Have Your Own Website Tomorrow

When we began offering our CyberOffice suite of services, we found many servicers could not take advantage -- simply because they had no website.  We decided to help there, too. 

What we've developed is a turn-key setup that allows you to have a nice website now.  It's not super elaborate, but it's nice, very functional, and will allow you to use CyberOffice now, instead of who knows when. 

It also gives you infinite capacity to customize and expand the interface, when and if you want to. 

Please click here to see a model of our standard setup. 

As you might guess, even in the standard setup there are many sections where text, pictures and logo are particularized for your situation.  You may also choose from among various color schemes, to make the site even more your own.   

To provide you with such a site, we charge $100 for initial setup, then $10 per month of service (with a one year commitment). 

Assuming you're ready, just call or email to let us know.  We'll get you going, pronto.